Move to Improve: Enhancing Bone Health Through Physiotherapy

This online event is dedicated to raising awareness about the importance of bone health and the role of physiotherapy in Sana'a, Yemen. "Move to Improve" aims to educate the community on strategies to enhance bone strength and prevent osteoporosis through targeted physical activities and physiotherapeutic interventions.

  • Expert presentations from physiotherapists specializing in bone health.
  • Interactive Q&A sessions to address your concerns.
  • Tips on incorporating safe exercises into daily routines.
  • Success stories from individuals who have improved their bone health.

In addition, there will be a community campaign to raise awareness of osteoporosis among the public.

الاكاديمية اليمنية لعلوم إعادة التأهيل والعلاج الطبيعي في اليمن هي الممثل الاساسي للجمعية الدولية لهشاشة العظام باليوم العالمي لهشاشة العظام يوم 20 اكتوبر 2024 تحت عنوان تعزيز صحة العظام من خلال العلاج الطبيعي يعد هذا اليوم من احد الايام الهامة التى يمكننا من خلالة تعزيز الوعي حول اهمية العلاج الطبيعي في معالجة اللص الصامت ( هشاشة العظام) الذي يأكل أنسجة العظام للعديد من السنوات دون أن يظهر على المصاب أي أعراض.

View the official page of Yemeni Academy of Physical Rehabilitation Sciences:

Contact :
Dr. Humam Al-kasry - President
Dr. Yahya Al-Razi - Chief Dr. Executive Officer +967 777745027
Dr. Khalid Al-Sayani - Assistant Professor - Consult of YAPRS
Dr. Aman Al-Mougales - Vice Manager
Dr. Mohammed Al-Sorori - General Coordinator

All these doctors will be responsible for the World Osteoporosis Day campaign - which promises to be a great success! 

IOF would like to thank Dr. Yahya Al-Razi for kindly translating the IOF World Osteoporosis Day posters into Arabic. The support is much appreciated.

Event info:

Sunday, October 20, 2024

Sana'a , Yemen

Organized by:

Yemeni Academy of Rehabilitation Sciences

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